Posters are one of the oldest marketing tools that have been used for decades. 


Regardless of your industry, a poster can always come in handy as an effective way to get attention for your event, products or your service. If you are unsure where to start with designing your poster, here are a few tips to make your poster more captivating: 


Think clear and simple


Less is more, and that principle definitely stands true with posters. Make your poster simple and clear with a bold message. The audience should be able to decode what you are saying at the first glance. The last thing you want to do is give your audience a massive riddle to solve. As a good rule of thumb, your audience should take 30 seconds to consume your message. 


Make the design the focal point


Don’t clutter your poster with multiple layers of design. The best posters are one with one focal design that draws a prospective customer in. Our top tip is to leave a generous amount of space around your main design so that its more eye-catching. 


The headline is the hook


A headline contextualises your poster and gives purpose for your audience to engage with it. You should consider making your headline witty and something that piques their curiosity. Some of our clients choose to make their headline a question to ignite interest. 


Photo quality is imperative


A picture paints a thousand words. Therefore, ensure you choose photos that are high resolution. This is especially important if you are printing large-size posters. Also, a powerful image can serve as a good centre focus. You can use simple pictures like a single object, animal, or even a person. 


Have a memorable call to action


You want your poster to be driven by purpose. There is no use having a poster without getting your audience to act on the message delivered. A call to action can be to purchase tickets, make contact or scan a QR code. Whatever your intention is for the purpose, make the next step you want your audience to take clear as day.


Did you know that A-Team Printing has an in-house design team?


If you are looking for ways to make your poster pop, why not speak to our in-house design team? We have worked on countless print marketing materials, including posters, and we know exactly what it takes to stand out from the pack. Our designers will work with you to ensure your poster speaks to your brand, resonates with your target audience and prompts them to take action. You can read our article about the benefits of hiring a graphic designer here. 


Looking to print your poster? Then speak to our team today. As a digital printing Perth company, A-Team Printing takes pride in looking after all your commercial printing needs in Perth. Chat to our team of printing Perth experts. We can print and design a poster that actually engages your audience.