Your business card is a bit-sized, compact way of ensuring top-of-mind recognition for your target audience.

This pocket rocket branding tool speaks volumes, exemplifying how the best things come in tiny packages.

When designed and printed well, your Perth business card will remind consumers of the first time you met, encouraging them to commit to purchase when the time is right. It also prompts those who are interested in your products or services to visit your website to learn more about you.

Impeccable design is all about balance and composition. It is more than just text and graphic elements. It is about the space around them too. It’s important not only focus on what you want in front of it or next too; give each element room so they can breathe, while still communicating professionalism through clarity and cleanliness.


At A-Team Printing, we recommend including the following elements in your business card design in Perth:

  • Logo:

    Your logo is a visual representation of your Perth business, it embodies what your company does and what you stand for. This is why your logo is a keepsake for your target audience to remember you by. Like a stamp of approval, your business card that includes your logo makes your company feel like it’s credible, professional and trustworthy.


  • Company name:

    Give this plenty of space and make it bold, commanding and prominent. It’s arguably one of the most important elements on your card, as it is what your target audience are most likely going to remember.


  • Your name:

    It a world governed by resonance; it only makes sense to make your business card personable. Give this text field prominence to help people remember your name and create a personal connection to you and your brand. Consider this a start to the dialogue between you and your consumer.


  • Tagline:

    In under 6 words, try and summarise what your brand does, in a nutshell. Make it honest, professional, a strong and bold value proposition, emulates authenticity and focuses on your core brand offering.


  • Website:

  • Where do you want to take your prospects or repeat consumers through your sales funnel? A website is a good start. Remember, it’s imperative that there’s consistency between the design of your business card and your website, so bear that in mind if you’re designing a card when you already have a website. Congruency is key for brand loyalty.


  • Contact details (email, phone number, address):

    Contact information is usually aligned left, right or centred. If you have a preferred method of contact—such as phone number or email address—ensure you outline that clearly. Use a larger size or prominent placement as you want your business card to have a call to action.


At A-Team Printing, we not only print business cards, we can also design them for you. We have a team of in-house graphic designers who will produce authentic business cards, tailored to the unique identity of your brand.