As a business, a major concern is enticing new clients to engage you for services or products, and encouraging existing clients to stay with you. In order for clients to consider this, they have to know what and who it is they’re dealing with. A corporate identity helps clients distinguish your business from others in the market, and helps them associate your business with the values that underpin your business. Whether you are presenting yourself as a serious and trustworthy law firm, a friendly and human internet service provider, or an extravagant and luxurious spa, your corporate identity can be conveyed in the branding you select, and the way you deploy it, including in printed stationery.

How do the stationeries help?

Brand recognition

Studies consistently show that people choose brands they have heard of and seen, and that’s a natural decision. People choose things that they feel they know, even if they’ve only just heard of it. Branded stationery allows you to ensure all of your written communication comes with a demonstration of your brand and identity, so clients become familiar with you on each instance of contact


While the online world has much to offer, there’s nothing quite like holding a letter in your hand, feeling the quality of the paper, or seeing the colours of a well-printed flyer vividly on the page. Digital pages and communications cannot offer the same tactile experience. Touch also encourages memory, so clients are more likely to remember things they’ve held in their hand than something they’ve scrolled past.


Nothing will undermine your professionalism faster than reaching for a scrap piece of paper to outline your proposal or explain an important legal concept. Clients simply do expect businesses to have their own branded stationery, and the lack of it may lead prospective clients to question your business if you have not invested in your own stationery printing. Providing clients with a quote on your own stationery shows you to be an established and committed business, which makes them more likely to commit to you.

Business Stationery as a Marketing Tool

Stationery is also a soft marketing tool, in that it allows you to be present in your client’s mind when they go to reconsider your quote or your services. When partnered with good digital marketing, branded stationery contributes to a corporate identity in the marketplace that is familiar and clear, and lets clients feel they know what they’re getting when they choose you.

Show the world your true colours with A Team Printing

A Team Printing is always ready to help businesses print stationery that shows the world who they are and what they have to offer. We have everything you need to get quality stationery printing for your business in large quantities and with quick turnaround. If you need to show your clients that you’re committed, professional and real, branded stationery really is the best you can buy. Get in touch with us to get started today!