Ever received a completed print order only to find that the colours aren’t what you expected? For many businesses, this is a common scenario that results in headaches and frustration. Caused by the interaction between the colours and type of paper selected, colour variance can end up being costly and confusing.

Learn more about the relationship between colour and materials to protect against unexpected and undesirable results.

Understanding How Ink Reacts with Different Types of Paper

Colour prints differently on various types of paper. Coated paper, with a smooth and sleek finish, is less absorbent and takes ink better. The most common coated paper options are glossy, silk or matte and are generally used for brochures and advertising material requiring sharp details and bright colours.

Uncoated paper offers greater absorbance and results in colour that looks slightly different to colour printed on coated paper. Often used for material that needs to be written on, like envelopes or workbooks, colour appears more natural and subdued.

With an in-depth understanding of how colour reacts and appears on a wide range of papers, both coated and uncoated, A Team Printing is able to help you achieve the high quality printing results you envision.

Digital vs.Offset Printing

Depending on your requirements and resources, digital and offset printing offer a variety of benefits for different project.

Offset printing utilises a rubber blanket that transfers printed images from a metal plate onto paper. Printed in either CMYK or SPOT colour, offset printing generally offers a higher image quality and better colour fidelity. But, offset printing can be more costly and time consuming for small, low-volume projects.

Digital printing uses liquid ink or powdered toner to apply designs and images directly onto surfaces. With faster turnaround times and easy alterations in between prints, you have more flexibility to make changes. Digital printing is generally cheaper, but colours may be slightly different and images may not be as crisp.

The Difference Between RGB, SPOT and CMYK Colours

While they may look similar on a computer screen, RGB, SPOT and CMYK colours print in different ways. Primarily used for online viewing, RGB colours can render well if printed digitally. CMYK and SPOT colours require different techniques, so aren’t able to provide uniform results across projects. SPOT colours are pre-mixed before printing, while CMYK layers colours to achieve a certain image.

As all colours show differently depending on the circumstances, it’s essential to understand what to expect before you go to print. Chat with an experienced commercial printer to learn more about how your colours will respond on your desired paper.

Types of Material

Colours appear differently on paper depending on the way ink sets. When it comes to printing on fabrics, metals, plastics or vinyl, the same coloured designs and images will always look different due to the absorbency and nature of each surface. A good commercial printer will take a close look at your project and recommend alterations or changes for maximum consistency, depending on what you’re printing on.

Specialised Printing Services in Perth

From business cards and brochures to signage and posters, you need consistent branding that properly represents your business. By working with an experienced and reputable printer, you’ll receive expert advice on what to expect and how your final product will turn out.

Organise high quality printing services in Perth with the professionals at A Team Printing. Contact us on (08) 9478 3188.